Friday, May 13, 2005

reviews of the day (including the penultimate week of apprentice :-P)

emma (the movie): this was mom and my rental of the day to watch. it was a long drawn-out story of a bunch of fancy and gossipy british people like a century ago, all worrying about one another's business. the ending was nice but i'm not sure i'd sit through it again. props for ewan mcgregor having shoulder length blond hair :-P

joey (tonight's season finale): the plotline with michael was frankly utterly disturbing and unncessary... however the joey/sarah, joey/alex plotline was interesting. after seeing the note this one ended on, i'll have to be sure to catch the next new episode in the fall.

apprentice (next to last episode): did you notice how much more of the time was focused on tana's event because it was so much more of a tale of screwups. from the start she went in with a "my team sucks" attitude, and didn't seem to have anything under control, whereas kendra had a few minor snaffous (spelling?) to start, but pulled her event off beautifully with no complaints in the end whatsoever. i really did like tana up until the car brochure week, and since then little things she does annoy me. i hate the tone she talks to kendra with; she thinks she's being so nice on the outside, but it comes across as sooooo fake. she claimed to be so sure she won when sooo many things went wrong under her watch too. i wanted to laugh at her when she madea point of letting her team get out of the venue ahead of her so she could be "all administrative and let her employees feel like employees" -- what was that?!?!?! for all her impressiveness on and off throughout the season, i didn't see much of anything go well on screen tonight. i should hope after this episode that kendra has it in the bag... and i have been rooting for her from week one, so for once i would have picked the winner on the season premiere :-) we shall see....

the five people you meet in heaven (the book): i just finished it, and it was quality. i would guess that you need tops 3 hours to read it. it's not horribly deep but it has a good message and it's a unique story. i'd recommend reading it. :-)

lying on your back on the roof of a two story house and looking at stars ;-) (what i do at night when i'm in my parents house and the weather's nice): this has to be one of the best places i've found to hang out ever. even though the rest of the house is old and i'm to the point that it would be ok if my parents moved and bulldozed the house, when i don't have this house to visit anymore, i'll miss having a room where i can step out the window onto the roof and hang out up there. it's a wonderful place to chill :-P

long phone chats with friends: i talked with ben for an hour today and eric for 30-40 minutes, both were quality chats... i like having good friends :-) one of the above two is FANTASTIC with advice and encouragement about life in general, and the other is AWESOME at being philosophical and helping analyze math problems and gossiping :-P, i'm glad both of them are my friends :-P

...with that, end of review session :-P... back to my room to read some more... later dudes :-P

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