Monday, May 16, 2005

happy monday :-P

here's the fun of the day

* brother was home today, but slept until 3pm... apparently he didn't get home from the bar with his friends until 3am last night... oops!

*put together my present for g-ma p.'s 80th birthday (which is next month, but i'm spending this weekend with her) -- i bought this frame from hallmark, and then put a picture from mother's day 1988 of me, my mom, and her (even though she's dad's mom), and a picture of me, her boyfriend bob, and her from my valpo graduation 2 years ago in it, both rescaled so they sit side by side in the frame perfectly... mom and dad approved.

*took my car through memphis vehicle inspection... most riviting hour of my year as always... to reduce counts on the emissions test, the rumor is that you shouldn't run your air conditioning while waiting in line for the test, so luckily it was a nice day to just sit in line in my car with the windows open... i made it all the way through the "garden state" soundtrack and partway through the "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy one" while waiting, just to have someone test my brakes, my lights, my windshield wipers, my mirrors, and my emissions levels in under 5 minutes... that's done for another year now though at least.

*went hunting in the attic and found some of my old kids books (not by any means all of them) to bring back for scott to read with me :-)

*had brother show me the animals out back, and got some good pictures, but i was too lazy to go upstairs and get the usb cord, so you'll have to wait to see those :-P

*checked my grades for the semester... 3 of them were expected to be As, one was questionable since it comes from my combinatorics prof who is a tough prof, and i know i know considerably less than my classmates... apparently he decided to give all As this term though, because i got an A, and knowing all the guys, i know none of them would have gotten a lower grade than me... having got a flat B in graph theory from him and a B+ in combo 1, it was nice to see the A in combo 2 even if i woulda probably given me another B/B+ by last semester's standards... woohoo... regardless of how it came about, this makes me happy :-)

and that's what i know... tomorrow's adventures include the botanic garden AND the zoo, both for free ;-P, one because i have connections and one because tuesday is free day :-P... should be fun.

later dudes :-P

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