Wednesday, May 04, 2005

a funny & a gameplan

i've developed a morning tradition as of the past few months -- after i get ready in the morning, i make myself a bowl of grits and eat it in front of the TV... always watching MSNBC until breakfast is done.

this morning, doing the same (eating grits and watching MSNBC), one of the headlines that rolled across the bottom of the screen in text said "runaway bridge jennifer wilbanks..." obviously runaway bride, but the typo completely cracked me up. someone over in the MSNBC studio didn't do their spellchecking job today ;-)

i have decided that i'm officially making today a mental vacation day... if the only thing left on my to do list is my final project for dr. z. and he's giving everyone As anyhow, it doesn't matter if i do it in the next 2 days, the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 months, so long as i do it. so why should i try to drudge up motivation i'm severely lacking right now? i've worked my head off for 4 months straight, minus spring break, and i'm just ready to collapse and be lazy for a bit.

on that note, i woke up at 9 today (my usual is 8) and finished reading "so long and thanks for all the fish", the 4th hitchhikers book... here, nearly 1:30, i'm still in PJs and plan to grab lunch, then work away at "mostly harmless", the 5th and final one in the series. in 3.5 hours, there's falafel night at the guys' house, and i'll probably show up for that, but if i'm not done with "mostly harmless" yet, you can bet that i'll be sitting in a corner with the book and kicking anyone who tries to get me to be more social :-P... i really have turned extremely antisocial towards large groups (i.e. more than 4 people) in the past few months... ooops.

oh well, back to reading :-)

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