Wednesday, May 18, 2005

a tale of two emails

you will appreciate this most if you (a) know Dr. Greenfield, and (b) have been in his office and seen his "do not annoy, badger,..... the animals" sign behind his desk.

if you don't fit into either category, you'll probably laugh anyhow... enjoy:

email 1:

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 20:54:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: thought you might appreciate this...
From: lpudwell
To: greenfie

Dr. Greenfield,

Greetings from the far-off land of Memphis, Tennessee.

I was at the zoo today with my mother, when I came across the attached
sign. Of course it immediately reminded me of a similar sign in the
office of my favorite analysis professor. I can't remember though -- did
your sign say not to xerox the animals too?

If this sign does in fact have new verbs, I thought you'd get a laugh out
of it, so it was worth sharing.

If not, then at least you got a random email from the distant and strange
land of the American Mid-South. ;-)

Happy Tuesday.

(note: image is "clickable" to see a larger version)

email 2:

Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:01:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: thought you might appreciate this...
From: greenfie
To: lpudwell

Dear Ms. Pudwell:

Beloved Dr. Greenfield is recuperating from the sheer shock of receiving
e-mail from the "mid-south", a land so peculiar than brides-to-be flee in
despair to Reno (or was it Las Vegas?).

What a S*P*L*E*N*D*I*D sign! Thank you very much. The sign has much more
than the one in my office (from the San Diego Zoo). Please send your
mother back to the zoo to get a duplicate of the sign. I presume you are
too busy having fun, and that she, like the other old folks, has little to
do except to entertain the children.

I spent a large part of yesterday pulling out lysimachia.

New Jersey is actually pretty right now. Return soon and safely, and thank
you very much for remembering me!

Happy Wednesday back at you!

S. Greenfield


correction as of 12:30pm central time:
this is now a tale of THREE emails... i forwarded greenfield's email to mom for fun, not expecting her to do anything but read... instead she responds to HIM with:

Dear S. Greenfield,
We are so pleased that we could find a sign that you would appreciate. However, I must take exception to your comment about "old" people. As an elementary school principal with 8 days of school left this year, I am overwhelmed with busy-ness. So, maybe Lara will find the time to pick up the sign???

Mrs. Pudwell

oi... we shall see what happens :-P

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