Thursday, December 15, 2005

apprentice aftermath


so tonight's 2 hour final just wrapped up. i've had mixed feelings all week about who should be hired... randal's been strong and likeable throughout, but rebecca's earned my respect too. after seeing their events they both made mistakes, but they were all generally fixable, and they both came away having been very strong leaders.

i talked to my mom for a minute halfway through the episode and she commented "i bet he'll hire both".

i was hoping for just that.

when he hired randal, i was happy, but waiting for the "but..."... then the ending was basically trump asking randal, "so should i hire rebecca too?"

randal's comment?
"this is the apprentice, not the apprentii... no, there should only be one apprentice"

trump's reply was that he probably could have been convinced to hire both but since randal said no he'd leave it at that.

screw that.

they've fired many more than 1 several times this season, which is against the expectation; they totally could have hired both this time too. for once there wasn't a clear leader on the final task... they both did amazingly well.

for the first time all season, randal's final comment really irked me instead of making me proud of him.

what's done is done though. randal earned his job and will be an amazing hire. i just feel rebecca got a bit gipped too. he totally could have shared the honor with her and both been amazing hires. the thing about there can be only one is a bunch of bull... extreme circumstances call for extreme decisions that may break the standard. on the week when the teams worked at sports stores and one team actually decreased sales by 30 some percent, instead of one, they fired 4 candidates, that was an extreme result from an extreme circumstance. never before had there been two final contestants whose final task performance didn't leave an obvious choice. two unprecendentedly strong competitors should have earned an unprecendented double hire.

so it goes. i'm irked.

the end.

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