Saturday, December 31, 2005

how productive am i?!

i exceeded my own expectations for the evening, and i still have an hour and a half until the new year.

not only did i get my laundry done, unpack completely, and get through all the mail that's come in the past two weeks, i also:

* completely emptied out and refilled my closet, and got rid of a bunch of stuff to drop by goodwill tomorrow. if it's 4 sizes too big, it's probably safe to hand on, right?
* went grocery shopping so as not to starve tonight and tomorrow :P
* wrote all my christmas thank you notes
* changed out all the calendars in the house for 2006 ones
* fixed a hole in a pair of dress pants

things that make me smile

* the AARP (yes, the american association of retired persons) sent me an invitation to join over break... i realize it's for more than just retired people -- that you only have to be 50 years old to join, but isn't inviting 24 year olds a little extreme?
* ziggy -- my new 2006 desktop calendar is ziggy's living is the present calendar. he truly is my hero
* apple pie -- i actually have some for tonight before i go back to eating stuff that's good for me tomorrow. :P

hour and a half to kill until 2005 is over... probably a post on new years resolutions later. dude, i'm chatty tonight.

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