Friday, December 09, 2005

lara's theory on snow...

1) lara loves snow
2) God knows lara loves snow
3) consequently, snow must be a sign that God loves lara
4) therefore, we can never have too much snow!!! =)
5) remember that some days the snow is invisible... (i.e. just because snow melts or it gets to be summer it doesn't mean God loves you any less)
6) if you are currently anti-snow, this does not imply God loves you any less.... God has many different signs of how much He loves us... I just particularly like this one. =)

(this was written in a past life where i was quite a bit more prone to be silly,.... but waking up to "big snow" that is supposed to be going for a few hours yet made me think of it...

5 was written after my friend nicole who told me 1-4 weren't good enough because then that means God doesn't like to show us he loves us in the summer

...and 6 was added to the canon when she pointed out people who don't like snow could still take offense at 1-5.

but no matter how you slice it, i love snow and it makes me happy :) )

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