Sunday, December 18, 2005

to clarify...

in the previous post,

the person i slugged in the stomach was eric. he was about to attack me with fingers dripping in red food coloring, and i didn't know i was going to slug him until about 2 seconds after i did it. the only witnesses were john, emily, and sarah, who have all seen similar things happen with me over the past few years, and eric left the incident laughing, so no major harm done. on occasion i do just "reflex" slug someone, and don't realize that's what i've done/am about to do until just after i do it. maybe i should work on that...

the kicking and screaming was scott's fault for sure. he's claimed for a bit that he's capable of picking me up, and i've told him right back that he's not capable of it and he shouldn't injure himself. he was in a happy mood when he came over to the house for cookies, and when he stopped in my room to see the super cool present i got for my brother for christmas, he decided to prove he could pick me up, and then proceeded to do it. but you have to realize, no one has even threated to much less tried to pick me up since i was like 5. not having to worry about your feet being off the ground for nearly 2 decades, it's a little unsettling to even think about suddenly being in the air.... my instant reflex was to curl up into a ball so he couldn't get me, but he managed to anyhow, hence the kicking and screaming... involuntary response to being startled.

scott realized that and wasn't hurt or bothered, but after i was calm again and commented "dude, you can't just do that, you really need to warn me first", he told me he was going to (a) re-prove he could pick me up, and even more so, he would (b) prove he could pick me up without freaking me out, so instead of just picking me up in one swoop, he convinced me to let him give me a piggy back ride around the house. that too was mildly disarming, but less scary than the first time.

seriously, no one has even tried to pick me up in 20 years, and with my propensity to slug people, it's probably safer that they don't. i'm quite used to feeling like i'm in charge of where i'm at and like the feeling of knowing my feet are securely on the ground, so it takes a quite a bit of convincing for me to peaceably do otherwise.

this has to be the most bizarre post ever.

for those keeping score from this post though, apparently 6b IS true.

for those keeping score in general, yes i'm a freaking lunatic.

good night.

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