Tuesday, December 06, 2005

random thoughts

* chili's strawberry margarita cheesecake is quite tasty

* so are craisins

* i'm tired of teaching... it's a good thing tomorrow's my last day teaching for the semester or i'd go nuts. the good students are generally a lot of fun to work with. (good being defined as the ones who actually try, regardless of their grades)... but the ones who aren't doing well and don't care to fix it make me sad and i'm running low on energy for them, and that makes me sad too.

* i really wish i knew how to prove the conjecture i showed dr. z. yesterday. research is much more fun than studying for quals, but it's incredibly irritating when you get to a sticking point.

* while i don't really mind my "recent" (ok, i mean for the past year and a half) trend of hanging out with people in groups of one, or max two besides myself, i really wonder sometimes how, if i don't ever change this trend, i'll make friends in the future whenever i'm done at rutgers. i guess i'll cross the bridge when i come to it, but sometimes i analyze these things, and i really have become quite the hermit over the past months.

* see the 3 europe trips in the "super exciting upcoming events" column on the sidebar? only one is officially confirmed, but the other two are increasingly likely. two of my favorite places on earth to go to again, airfare paid by the university... and possibly a new country to visit, again paid for by various academic sources -- i like that. :)

* the longer it runs, the more i ask myself why in the world i make time to watch "the office" every tuesday. it's getting increasingly ridiculous and stupid. i think i only watch it to see what's happening with jim and pam, but they've been dragging that one out since episode one. oh bother.

* many more thoughts in my head, but i think i'll stop while i'm ahead. night y'all.

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