Thursday, December 15, 2005

quote of the day

my students have their final exam tomorrow.

one of my students came in to my office hours this afternoon to ask, "so a couple of my friends are worried about the test tomorrow and totally don't understand their professor... i told them i absolutely love my TA... can they come in and ask you questions too?"

i told her sure... so besides my own students i had a few students who belong to a different TA who genuinely doesn't care to do a good job (he'd tell you as much himself). it made me smile that my students like me enough as an explainer to want to bring their friends. :)... another student brought friends too without asking... as long as they're not disrupting i don't mind at all.

office hours for the week are done... now the joy of proctoring a 3 hour exam tomorrow... tons of fun, right?

later dudes

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