Thursday, December 22, 2005

teaching fun

i got my teaching assignment for the spring.

i get to teach calc 1 for math/physics people (this fall i taught calc 1 for non math/physics people). one difference is instead of a 55 minute period, i teach for an 80 minute period where 55 minutes works like last semester, and the other 25 minutes is a "workshop", where my students will work in groups on homework in my presence... should be interesting.

pros of this assignment?
* i teach on the same campus that the math building is on... actually just next door, so no exploring new places or running late between places, which is good
* i start at 10:20 rather than at 8:55
* i'm teaching for the same professor who i taught for this past semester... we got along wonderfully, so this is a good thing... he seriously made my job easy... and it makes it easier to teach for someone who the students like and respect too.

sounds like lots of fun, right?

only con?
* i'll teach on fridays and not get done until 4:40pm.

oh well, you can't win perfectly... and for all the positive aspects, i can be patient with the minor negative... you can't ask for too much nicer of an assignment. :P

the end.

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