Thursday, June 16, 2005

ode to my life

being a girl in a field that doesn't have very many girls (c'mon, here at rutgers, out of well over 100 mathematics faculty, you can count the women on one hand), you get into some entertaining social situations to be sure.

dr. z. (my advisor) had arranged a special talk this afternoon at 3pm... unfortunately, that's exactly when scott and my presentation started. since i had a good excuse, i was still invited for free dinner at 5:30 anyhow.

dinner attendees?
aek (one of dr. z.'s other current students, a year ahead of me... from thailand)
teddy (one of dr. z.'s former students... from ethiopia)
melkamu (one of dr. z.'s former students... also from ethiopia)
simone (the speaker, whose talk i missed... italian guy)
dr. z. (israeli)

i was not only the only female in the group... i was the only american as well. it was a FABULOUS hour of chatting, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. as i looked around the table though, i was just amused at the social setting i fall naturally into just by being dr. z.'s student for example.

end of thought.

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