Monday, March 08, 2004

disco inferno of dust bunnies!

guess who went to sleep at 4am last night and is probably pulling an allnighter or close tonight?

if you guessed lara, good job!

sooo much work due tomorrow... today i had 2 classes and roommate and i got indian food in the student center inbetween.. since my last class, we drove eric to class then dropped off the 3 movies we had watched last night and ran by the grocery store... that covers til about 6pm..

since 6, i've been doing homework pretty much straight... 8 graph theory problems due tomorrow, 5 algebra... taking forever and a day. amazingly enough though, roommate and amanda have chatted as much in the past 2 days as amanda and i have all year... it's really funny... maybe that's a slight exageration, but usually we're both working so much that we don't sit down and talk much... not animosity or anything, just busy and not buddy buddy...

roommate turned on queer eye of the straight guy at 8, and amanda was enthralled and came out to watch -- i brought the laptop and my graph theory book out too... then 2 more episodes (each an hour long) came on after that (hence the subject line... quote from the 9-10pm episode)... such a weird show, but it's entertaining. =P... now, an old friends rerun is on... working, trying to be moderately social, but no sleep in the meantime.

tomorrow shall be exciting -- 2 different valpo friends on the same day... roommate leaves around lunch and then alliswan gets in on amtrak around 6pm. fun times... only roommate gets to deal with me after an allnighter, and alliswan gets to watch me spazz for 24 hours about the analysis midterm before we get to have fun... yay for guests, boo for stress... now to work.

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