Monday, March 22, 2004

potential disaster thrwarted

dude, do i like to put together meaningless combinations of large words or what?

so i was more or less prepared for my lie groups talk and he ended up talking the whole period... presentation is now first thing on thursday. so no public speaking today... that was threat of disaster #1... now, threat of disaster #2 will most likely happen in an hour (i.e. getting back the crummy analysis midterms we took last class before break)... rumor has it 2 of the smarter analysis people wrote and complained it was an unfair exam and goodman wrote back "i'll respond when i'm done grading" and later "regardless people did how i expected... 3 As, and a smattering of Bs and Cs" we've predicted As to jared, sam, and john, Cs to my usual crew (eric, colleen, leigh, me) Bs and or Cs to the rest of the world... we'll see how this works. blah. i know it was a crummy test, i'm ready to get a crummy grade, i just don't like actually seeing the crummy grade.

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