Tuesday, March 09, 2004


so alliswan is here (yay!)

we had just finished dinner earlier when my phone rang... didn't recognize the number on the caller id, so was completely surprised when i answered to be greeted by a guy's voice saying "hello? lara? how on earth *are* you?"... my response was "um, alright, and *who* on earth are *you*???"

turns out it was my friend nathanael from budapest... he was there for an engineering study abroad program and we went to the same international church... he was a good buddy there (cut stitches out of my eye, we rescheduled flights back to the states to leave hungary together, etc.), but is horrible at keeping in touch online... i'd gotten 2 mass emails and like 1 individual one from him in the past year and a half. while he was in budapest he met ben, another engineer from his school (univ. of colorado)... ben was also a church friend... this year, they're sharing an apartment, and ben happened to be right there, so i talked to him too for a bit (his email address that i had died a month after i left europe so i'd heard from him even less than nathanael in the past year).

mostly, completely caught me off guard, was a pleasant surprise, and totally made my day that two guys i hadn't heard from or seen in well over a year thought it would be fun to call, say hi, and make me laugh for a bit. party indeed.

now, back to studying for the analysis midterm that will be my undoing... 17 hours til post-exam freedom. =)

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