Wednesday, March 17, 2004

touring new england in the snow

so last night it was snowing a little when marianne and i headed back outside for homemade applecrisp and to move my car to someplace where it was allowed to be overnight (this was around 10pm)... we chatted about snow (which both of us love) and snow songs we made up or talked about in budapest... marianne's family lived in russia for awhile so she has an assortment of russian pop CDs, had told me about 3 russian songs about snow in budapest, but never got to play them for me... so late last night we scanned through her CDs until we found the appropriate tracks... it was fun =)

woke up this morning to several inches of snow and more coming down! it was a party and a half... we got good breakfast at a diner in town and then i was off.... here's the general summary of my day as per my current IM away message:

states i've visited today and my new names for them:
vermont (the green mountain state /for me, the winter wonderland state)
new hampshire (the granite state/ for me, the obsessed with the old man of the mountain who's not there anymore state)
maine (the pine tree state/ for me, dude, i can't believe i drove this far just for fun state)
massachusetts (the bay state/ for me, the i can't believe i just listened to an hour of israeli rap state)
rhode island (the ocean state/ for me, the i think i just got flipped off more in the past 30 minutes than i've ever been in my life state)
connecticut (the constitution state/ for me, the why don't they know how to plow the interstate state)
new york (the empire state/ for me, the passing huge car wrecks state)
new jersey (the garden state/ for me, the home sweet home state)


most of that's pretty self-explanatory =P the *why* i went to all the states i did is not... it's on my "to do" list of life to eventually visit all 50 states and i figured if maine was only 2.5 hours away from dartmouth, and rhode island on the way back from that i shouldn't pass up the opportunity to see them when i didn't know when i'd be that close again... soooo, drove to maine, and into the very southwest corner... used my atlas to navigate to the atlantic ocean and took lighthouse pictures and a couple of myself (holding the camera out at arms length... yes, i'm a total gimp, but i was in maine!) =P it was fun, and now i can say i've been in every state east of the mississippi except delaware (and scott agreed to come with me to visit delaware tomorrow... just a day trip) =P

the whole northeast was covered in crazy snow today too... i didn't really have a hard time until western connecticut today and then there was a really bad wreck on I-287/87 in NY just north of the city... all i could see was a semi-truck flipped over and crashed through the guardrail on the side... there were at least 3 fire trucks, at least half a dozen police cars, and several ambulances... i'm wondering if there were cars crushed beneath it that i couldn't see... at any rate, i was thankful to have survived the weather without any harm to myself b/c it definitely was not an optimal day for driving... yuck.

anyhow, tomorrow's another ocean day i think... should be fun... first some unpacking and some sleep.


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