Sunday, September 19, 2004


that's the final tally, now that the great CD input project is done... i added the book of CDs from my car to the mix in my computer and now i have 201 hours, 41 minutes, and 12 seconds of music on my computer without repeating a thing :-P that's nearly 8.5 days straight of music -- how great is that?

to give you an idea of the variety... most of why i put everything on is so that i could hear a more random mix of stuff while working at my computer instead of just one disc at a time... when i pulled up "all music" earlier this afternoon and set it on "random order", the first four tracks i got were:
(1) misunderstood (better than ezra)
(2) the national anthem of the USSR
(3) the battle (hezekiah walker's LFT church choir) (i.e. great large choir gospel song)
(4) hard day's night (live version sung by billy joel)

can we say variety??? :-P

in other news, pet peave of the era: people who say in relation to stressful situations "i know just how you feel"... that's a proper response to homework, to being tired, to being hungry, to being excited about a friend coming... but to insanely stressful life situations, "i can relate" and an appropriate story,... or "i know this can't be fun" or something... but "i know just how you feel"???... i don't think any two people respond to stress in the same ways, and few people have to go through the exact same stressful situations... you can't tell someone you know exactly how they feel when (a) you don't live inside their head, and/or (b) you haven't dealt with the same situation... you can empathize, you can listen, you can chat... you can't know *exactly* what's going on... and you can't prescribe *exactly* how to fix things... again, you can empathize, you can listen, you can chat, you can be nice, you can do fun things with people to cheer them up... you can't fix it all... i think the whole world is broken, and we're never going to *fix* it all per se... just learn how to live with it and make the best of it we can.

now it's really time to sleep.


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