Monday, September 20, 2004

tired and grumpy

dude, that's the theme of the week.

i haven't slept enough since last wednesday/thursday night and last night was no exception. i kept moderately busy til 2:30am, then woke up with a start at 7am this morning and never completely succeeded in falling back asleep... this is not a fun new trend

in other news, NJ is suddenly freakin cold... but when it still gets up to 70ish in the middle of the day there's no sense turning on the heat, so at night, i'm just freezing cold

in stark contrast to saturday, yesterday i worked on homework for 9 hours straight... just on 2 problems... and i solved neither! when i started to get frustrated, ben, who's not even in the class, started working on them with me too... he claims i got a lot done because even by the time he started working on them i had a much better understanding of what was going on and what needed to be done than he did, but still, 0/2 final answers made me frustrated.

i'm that tired and easily flustered that at 11pm when we came back to my place and quit, i went to my room and started crying... after he filled my roommates in on where we'd been all day, i'm glad ben likes being a pillow... we watched a dumb movie until late and then i crashed... but still, i can't sleep right... that's not helping my already defeated attitude i don't think.

i think it's a day to bust out the cranky toe socks.

later dudes.

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