Monday, September 13, 2004

finding ben....

so this afternoon, scott, eric, and i were in my office (which i share with scott, colleen, leigh, and ian), and scott told me to leave so he could change clothes to go to the gym... i laughed and told him he couldn't kick me out of my office and he should go to the bathroom down the hall if he wanted privacy to change...

eric also laughed and pointed out that since the desks are like 5 feet tall (they have a couple bookshelves attached to the top of each), scott could stand behind his desk (which is pulled out 2 feet from the wall) and change there... scott laughed and decided this was a good idea and went with it

just before scott told me to leave though, we were discussing how neither of us had seen or heard from ben in a week and a half, and agreed we should call him and leave another message... so, when he told me to leave the office, i was in process of calling ben's cell (had already dialed and it was ringing, and scott knew this)... we get to the part where we should leave a message, and i tell scott he should say something on the message... the voicemail ben got was something like this:

scott: "dude, i don't even have my pants on right now!"
(muffled eric and my voices, indistinct)
scott: "seriously, i can't take care of these things when my pants are down, hang up the phone!"

once we did hang up, scott's comment was "if ben doesn't call us back on that one, i don't know what *will* get him back!"

sure enough, 15 minutes later i had a call from ben, "dude, what's going on with scott?" i made a bargain that i'd explain if he'd show up in the math building and tell where he's been, and 15 minutes more later, we had ben around again :-)

and *that* is how to track people down :-)

the end. :-P

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