Friday, September 10, 2004


isn't that a great catchy title?

it's been a long day... class, studying, pizza seminar (which went off just fine), then working on my cross stitch for awhile... none of which have anything to do with blood...

then, tonight was the annual 1st year/2nd year math grad student party... the guys volunteered for it to be at their house and i was feeling kinda bummy anyhow, so i wasn't all excited about going but scott convinced me i should... for the 2 hours i was there, i stood by the grill with mike and scott and helped flip burgers... blood comes in two ways... scott and i had never grilled before, so the burgers came out kinda rare, and we noticed them "bleeding" on the plate when we'd take them off, and have to put them back on the grill...

blood, part 2, comes from, the burgers had been frozen and needed to be detached from one another to cook... i was having more luck than scott pulling them apart, so that became my job... we got to one set that was so frozen together though that scott offered his pocket knife for me to stick between burgers and wedge them apart... i carefully aimed the blade away from me, and went to work... i was almost done when the stupid thing closed up on itself and sliced my pointer finger on my right hand pretty good... after hollering "shit", (which apparently makes a few people happy because it's one of the more severe words they generally can ever get out of me), mike helped me clean it up... it bled clear through the first bandaid that we put on it, so we iced it a little and put a second on... oh joy oh joy... it doesn't really hurt... and finger wounds do just bleed a lot (so yay for bandaids?), but i'm mostly just annoyed that the cut is where it is because it slows down my cross stitching ability greatly, which is frustrating because that's been my outlet to dealing with life for a bit lately...

anyhow, i smell like hamburger grill, and my finger is tightly bandaged and slowing down everything i do (like typing or sewing or writing), which is going to get old fast.

i have a ton of homework to get started on for next week though, so maybe the not being able to cross stitch as quickly as i'd like will encourage the getting homework done aspect of things tomorrow... i hope so, because jessica's coming up sunday (yay!) and i'm sure not doing homework then! :-P

altar guild in the morning... night y'all.

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