Tuesday, October 18, 2005


so back in the day when it was the cool thing to do to make a quiz about yourself online and send the link to all your friends, one of my favorite questions on the quizzes i'd make up about myself was something along the lines of:

which of the following has lara NEVER done:
(a) been stranded with a trucker in a blizzard
(b) watched TV with a pig (literally)
(c) been stuck in an elevator
(d) been picked up by a state trooper

that's not word for word how it would go, but it was close.

as usual with me, the correct answer is the most normal sounding one.

(a) yes, i've been stranded with a trucker in a blizzard. i was driving from college to my parents' house for christmas break in 2000. around the paxton, IL exit on I-57 south, i noticed a jackknifed truck up ahead blocking the right lane and switched lanes to go around it, unfortunately, when i switched lanes, i hit black ice and my car did a figure 8 before landing (thankfully right-side-up) in a pile of snow on the side of the road and i couldn't get it to start again. (story continues below)

(d) (continuing from part a) before i could even think to do anything but call my mom, a state trooper had pulled up next to my car and while muttering something about stupid southern drivers who can't handle winter weather, insisted i get in and get a ride to the nearest restaurant to hang out til they could dig out my car... the trooper also picked up the trucker from the jack-knifed trailer and we spent 8 hours hanging out at a hardees until the weather had improved enough to dig out our respective vehicles.

(b) yes, we had pot-bellied pigs for pets from when i was 9 until i was 19. one of them was especially tame, and my dad would let us bring her in the house on saturday mornings, and as long as she sat on the floor instead of on the furniture she could hang out with us while we watched cartoons. (this was around when i was 10). seriously, pigs are very personable, like dogs only bristlier.

as far as (c), up until today, i had never been stuck in an elevator. hence me bringing up this post. frankly, i would rather do a, b, and d all over again before i try c again. when you're several floors up and have no idea what the darn thing is about to to, i'm not claustrophibic, but i do worry about it falling.

anyhow, summary: as of today, i've managed to do a more "normal" bizarre thing that i had avoided doing for the first 24+ years of my life.


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