Wednesday, October 19, 2005

happy comment

as you may have gathered by now, i have a hearing impaired student in one of my calculus classes this semester.

a sign language interpreter, provided by the university, comes in every week and signs the lecture to my student.

last week, i asked the interpreter how it works out to sign math words, and she's incredibly friendly and likes to chat for 5 minutes after class, especially after I inquired about what she does. :)

anyhow, here's the paragraph she spun off to me (whispering) while my students were taking their quiz for the last 10 minutes of class today.

"seriously, i just wanted to tell you how impressed i am with your teaching style. i hated math, but after listening to you for 2 months now, i'm convinced that if i had a teacher like you, even i could understand calculus. you're also so nice. i've never seen a graduate student incorporate a deaf student into a class so well before. you don't put her and me off to the side or seem unnerved by it at all, you respond to her just as you do to everyone else so that she's not afraid to ask questions in class, like most of the students i sign for are intimidated by their profs and TAs. you always seem so positive. so even if i'm not your student, thanks -- you're fantastic!"

that made my day. :)

the end.

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