Monday, March 21, 2005


i went to riteaid today to buy an envelope. i got the same cashier that gave me and leigh a minilecture the day before our qual about why math is a stupidly easy major.

i got the same lecture again, with him telling me he quit after calc 3 because he was making such easy As without studying and he was bored. woopdedoo... anyone who makes it to math grad school *should* have an easy time with those because those are like freshman level courses. i told him he gave up too early, but he seemed pretty smug that he's better than me because i'm still doing math.

whatever... he's a drug store clerk; look where i could be by now if i had ditched math early on too ;-)

(mostly it just annoys me that repeatedly this same cashier tells me i'm dumb because i'm a student... as if he has the world mastered because he made it through calc... i should just learn to not go to riteaid anymore :-P)

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