Wednesday, March 09, 2005


woohoo for 9:50am classes? it was raining when i left the house, and snowing when i headed back home... then alliswan and i managed to stay awake for "a bug's life", went to the theater to see "hitch" (which is a cute film), then dinner, pool, and go dog go with scott, and finally "bend it like beckham" back at my place.

big academic news of the day is that eric was dissuaded by several older graduate students from asking the professor he'd been thinking he wanted for an advisor to be his advisor. thinking no longer that that's a brilliant idea, he's actually considering asking my advisor how interested he'd been on them working together, only eric's more interested in number theory than dr. z., so either eric would probably have to expand his interests and not work on what he's been planning on, or he'll have to look elsewhere. that would be so freakin hilarious if he ended up with the same advisor too, although if he doesn't have the same one as me, chances are he'd end up with the same one as john, so somehow or another we all share :-P

in even other news, the boy house is breaking up... all year eric, sam, mike, jared, scott, and john have shared a house. mike's getting his own place next year though, and yesterday sam, john, and paul (one of the first years) signed up to get their own new place... this leaves scott, eric, and jared to get their own place, so so much for them being all in one place henceforth.

anyhow, done rambling, that's the debriefing of the day.

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