Friday, March 25, 2005

home free!

it's been a crazy week...

not a lot of sleep wednesday night due to working on reading class stuff... not a lot last night because it was too warm in the house and i kept waking up... doht... i resigned myself to turning in half answers to lots of my combo hw and getting sleep though, rather than keeping working with a brick wall :-P... he says the next set (due in two weeks) is even tougher... i don't like that thought.

we've had prospectives around every night this week... both girls who came are interested in combinatorics! if even one of them would come, that would make me NOT the only (american) girl in combinatorics around here, which would make me very very happy! (there's a first year from india who was in my combo class last fall, but isn't this semester due to schedule conflicts; nonetheless i'm in a subarea of math that doesn't usually get many women). the girl who stayed last night knows one of the guys i know from BSM, and was amazed at the small world connection. both of them (amanda on monday, and deborah today) seem pretty cool; hopefully they'll pick to come here in the fall!

finally, though, nothing due again until next thursday.

i was all excited today, i have a subscription to an email list for preprints of math publications... there was an article posted today (see here) that references one of my publications... that made me happy. it's exciting to get published; it's even more exciting to see other major papers refering to it too!

now though, to solve the case of the missing arlene who isn't where she was when i went to class this morning; chances are i'll find her if i check out the math library... we'll see.

pizza seminar, then hello weekend -- hope all y'all have a fantastic one!

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