Wednesday, March 09, 2005

happy wednesday?

i was so worried this morning that sujith (who is an excellent speaker) would have a poor pizza seminar turnout today... so many of the people who usually come teach on wednesdays, so they couldn't make it... however, enough people had complained about there not being wednesday seminars this year so i gave them one, and the week right before spring break seemed the perfect time to do it. most weeks we run in the low 20s in attendance on fridays, and besides the speaker we had 15 in the audience today, so no worries; that's actually really good for a wednesday. alliswan said she enjoyed it too... and who can complain about free pizza?

however, NONE of the people who have given me crap about there needing to be wednesday pizza seminars showed up, and NO ONE who showed up today (other than alliswan and trevor who were visiting (see below about trevor)) were people who don't already come on fridays, so really, for all the lectures i've gotten about needing to do wednesday pizza seminars, i don't really feel that bad about not doing them.

anyhow, it was a success in my mind, so yay for that.

on top of that, trevor (of last year was a 1st year grad student, and was one of eric's dorm roommates, but decided to move to india to teach math instead of start his second year last fall fame) came around to visit this afternoon and came to pizza seminar too -- that was happy :-)

now, at home getting stuff done until my 2:50 while alliswan gets plenty of practice time with the piano on a neighboring campus... later, after my class, we're going to see this movie -- it's gotten highly controversial reviews (mostly Cs from the critics, but extremely high ones (mostly As) from most viewers who sign into yahoo to rate movies. so, we'll see how it is... we'll even manage to catch the last matinee of the day, so yay for saving $$ too :-P

that's all i know -- later dudes!

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