Thursday, March 03, 2005

ode to reading classes

i really wish i could read dr. z. better.

we had our reading class today. i was frustrated with myself because i'm generating all this data, and i decided a couple days ago there was a much more efficient way (for me to make it readable) to have the computer output things (although it takes longer to sort it out nicely in the computer first)... anyhow, this week i came in with basically the same data i had last week, just organized prettier and the computer still working on doing more. you can see what i've done so far here, but chances are it won't make much sense to you :-P

anywho, that and i have been working on reading an old paper of dr. z.'s related to this too... today he told me my output file (link above) was beautiful and he was impressed by it and we discussed the "statistics" on the first page a little... then he showed me some of his maple packages for computing asymptotic estimates of sequences. he had me take over the computer and run an example to show that i was paying attention... then he asked me some random question about the golden ratio that i wasn't sure at all what he was getting at. he commented that it was too open ended of a question anyhow, and we answered it together, but i felt like i missed my chance to show i have decent intuition for the day instead of just taking notes and nodding and showing what i organized of what the computer spit out... oops.

experiemental math seminar in 45 minutes. i generally go but have been busy on the nights that they've gone out to eat with the speaker so far. this week though, dr. z. invited me to join again (and he has invited me every time), so i figured it's probably not a bad thing to go and socialize with dr. z. and some of his other students and some of the other profs. hopefully i'll end up sitting with someone i actually have something to talk about with since none of my usual crew are involved in that branch of the department... doht :-P

anyhow, here i am at home midday (which is highly odd, especially on a thursday), for the sole purpose of setting up the VCR to record joey and apprentice, figuring i'll get back home before them, but just in case :-P turns out joey is a rerun anyways so i could have stayed on campus and figured that dinner would be over by 8:30... oh well :-P

tomorrow, i was all excited that i have no 9:50am class, but i got a request from some of the valpo profs running the new REU there this summer that they didn't get enough minority applicants and they want to know if they could get addresses to contact some of the good applicants we couldn't take on here to advertise to. i ran it by the higher ups, and then while the staff person i'm working with was willing to do it monday, since it's kinda my favor to valpo people, i felt like i should do it, so tomorrow morning, i'm hanging out in chris's office and going through that mightily huge stack of applications again... just for fun :-P

aren't you jealous? :-P

now, to get myself back to campus... later dudes :-P

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