Saturday, March 05, 2005

gizoogle revisited

i ran my new quotes page through it, and there's definitely some unrepeatables in the gizoogle version, but here's a couple that made me just about bust a gut laughing: (you can check out my actual website for the original quotes)

goodman . Hollaz to the East Side: it's kinda like gang bangin' this classroom n trippin' tha universe is full of rooms of thugz blunt-rollin' analysis 2 straight from long beach nigga.
ian: (shrieks)
jared: that's one way ta makes lara want ta pass out

jared: so let's assume f is an NFE, you knizzow, funky assst function killa.

Mathemizzle. tha ideal n norm of all careful weed-smokin'. ~G. Stanley Hizzy

back to work

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