Thursday, November 17, 2005

my day so far

6am: woke up with a horrible mini-migraine and couldn't get back to sleep or do anything but lie there with a pillow over my head and let my eyes water from pain... took an ibuprofen and just stayed in bed til my alarm actually went off at 8:30

(that's already not a good start to any day)

8:30-9:45: slowly but surely got breakfast, got ready, and although my head still had a dull ache, the drugs managed to kill of most of the pain.

10:05am: showed up at my office on campus -- my students have an exam tomorrow and i promised to be around for office hours from 10am til 3pm. i had 2 students already waiting in the hall for me. starting then and going til 3:20 i did calc 1 problems non stop. around 3:20 everyone cleared out... i had minimum 2, maximum about 8 students with me at a time, with people in and out throughout the day... my office has 6 chairs, so grad students would stop by, see the crowd, laugh, and move on... what can i say? my students love me :P

3:20-3:30: finally lunch!

3:30-now: hiding in one of the graduate computer labs... i talked to sam for a bit... now i'm playing a few games of mahjong, and then i need to start my own homework at least a little before vince's defense at 5.

...and you thought you were having fun. :P

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