Sunday, April 11, 2004

7 minute wonder

question: why is it that i meet other peoples grandparents and talk for a nice loooong time, and when i call my grandma on the phone, she can't get off the phone with me quick enough?... i just called her to say happy easter and she really didn't want to hear a single thing... it was "oh lara, are you in memphis or new jersey?... oh good, i was wondering why your mom didn't put you on when i talked to her earlier... anything new with you?" (i start to say something) "nothing, oh well i understand... i was out with bob all day... i don't want to run up your bill... life is nice when you're young and you can do what you want... enjoy it for all you've got, ok, grandma loves you, bye"

what is that?,.,, seriously... i don't get it.

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