Thursday, April 29, 2004

here, there, and everywhere

visited yet another apartment today... leigh got detained by the prof. she grades for so it was just colleen and me... it's cheaper than the place leigh and i saw sunday, but (1) the place leigh and i saw sunday had a whole extra attic we could use for rec room, (2) the place leigh and i saw sunday had a separate free washer/dryer for each apartment unit; today's place had one washer/dryer per house (2 apartments in one house, 3 in the other, all sharing) and they were quarter operated... funds going into the landlord's college fund for his 5 year old son... nice idea, but i was still impressed with the space and the *free* washer/dryer in the place from sunday... we'll see how it ends up...

thus, i'm the only one of the 3 of us who's seen every place... we tentatively voted to call townhouses tomorrow and see what our odds of getting in are, and if we can't get straight answers then to fill out to application for the place leigh and i visited sunday... we'll see how this goes...

in other news, we got our lie groups final today... 7 problems, we have to do 6... i want to knock as much as possible out tonight...we'll see how it goes... wish me luck!

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