Friday, April 30, 2004

quotes 'n more quotes

recap of the day: class, other class, pizza seminar, homework with other people in the office for a bit, homework at home, dinner, more homework, went to wind ensemble concert with eric (i actually just typed 'wind ensemble homework' and had to fix it -- what does that say???), and now back home to do more homework. lie groups final status... 3 problems figured out, 2 written up... still working on that for quite some time tonight.

that's basically the summary... here's the quotes to go with the day:

class 1 (algebra):
you ask about grades. my answer is this: i use an oracle, so i have no control, you have no control.. the fate of algebra students is written in the stars. ~dr. vasconcelas

class 2 (graph theory):
i'm saying nothing, but at least i'm saying it repeatedly. ~dr. kahn

pizza seminar:
(making fun of a theorem that's being explained, pokes me and whispers:) you are a special point on a certain holomorphic function. ~ben

homework with other people in the office for a bit:
(1) ian (erasing the board in our office, just after i had finished explaining something): look, sorry i have to erase your theory of everything
me: actually, it was a map of my part of memphis, but same thing.

(2) so let's pretend there's a bunch of dots and accents in our names so that we're hungarian and the minus one doesn't matter. ~mike

homework at home:
(in response to my angst-filled away message)
may the llamas be with you...
p.s. Bob says hi and that he misses you. He's looking forward to when you can kick him again.
~adam hughes

(i was watching "home improvement" while i ate)
wilson: you know, a wise person once said women have to work twice as hard as men to get half as much credit.
(1, 2, 3, discuss!)

more homework:
jessica: yup, good luck. I've been starting my studying too >:o
me: studying is more like... >:o
me: =)
jessica: :-$
me: i've never quite figured out what that one is
me: any hypotheses?
jessica: when he was littler he looked like he was studying
jessica: you know, confused and nasueated
me: lol -- excellent
jessica: lips sewn shut! that's got to be it
(copy and paste the faces into AIM -- it makes it more fun =P)

went to wind ensemble concert:
*la la la* (it's hard to properly quote musical instruments) more homework =P

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