Tuesday, April 13, 2004

...and the mood swings return

funny how a day can go from realy down to really up and vice versa

today started out good... i was done with graph theory homework by 10 last night, had sat through both my classes this morning, and had subway with eric... so far, an excellent day -- i was having fun, and it was good

then, we went to work on homework with everyone else... one word: analysis. i started in on the first problem that other people had finished with and asking for a hint got "it's easy, don't think so hard... it's practically trivial" 3 hours later, working on parts of every problem, (the supposedly "easy" parts), i had solved nothing and was ready to punch my fist through a wall or cry or something, so i left and came home without saying a word when i left.

got home, and went to check email since i've been writing people about visiting them on mine and eric's roadtrip in july, and had my first email from ian since december. i had wondered why he was on IM 24/7 for february/early march and why i hadn't heard from him. turns out his dad had a stroke in mid february and was in a coma until march 3, when he passed away. ian has his master's defense later this month and had missed a month of school to be home in michigan for all that, and being so overwhelmed with life this semester, he hadn't written and updated much of anyone because he had enough to do to keep on top of his own life. anyhow, after reading the epistle he wrote back about everything, i'm kinda bummed for him now too. nagyon sajnos....

i'm curling up in a ball for a bit... time to re-attack the world again in a few.... hours (would say days, but deadlines interefere... unfortunate)

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