Sunday, April 04, 2004

moooovie reviews

so, for a day that started out a cranky toe sock day (see next paragraph if that confuses you =P), it ended pretty alright.... well alright, but a little confused.

(for reference, half of my christmas present from roooommate (aka kristin) this year was a pair of toe socks that have a frown face on each toe, and the word cranky and more frown faces all over the rest of them... they came the day before my analysis final last semester, and have been an excellent way to make myself laugh whenever i've felt especially grumpy since)

as aforereferenced, i woke up in a bad mood that didn't have any plans for getting better... but,

3-3:30pm: lunch @ subway w/ eric
3:30-6pm: algebra homework at starbucks w/ eric (we may not have solved more than 1/4, but we at least know what they're asking now... that's a start, right?)
6-7:30pm: grocery shopping/moooovie shopping w/ eric again
7:30-8pm: dinner
8-1am: moooovie time

while at the grocery store though i got a random call from paul, a second year around here (if you've visited me, you might have met him and refered to him as creepy crutch guy)... he wants me to stop by his house on the way to church here and let him follow me and come to church w/ me, and then he'll go someplace else after... i was very confused, but whatever, that's the plan now.

otherwise, eric and me watched mooovies... i've been so excited about brother bear coming out on video-... i saw it with margie when she visited me just before thanksgiving and thought it was great... got the soundtrack at the nyc disney store when i was there with rooommate last month, and this week the movie actually came out on video... when i saw it at the grocery store i had to buy it, and eric commented "if you're gonna continue to quote it and sing the songs from it so much i might as well get it over with and see the darn thing"... and so we did... i still loved it just as much as before and was glad i bought it... eric commented that it threw him off guard from the start and was completely different from what he expected... he gave it 7/10 all the way until the last 3 minutes, which he thought were a little too cheesy... nonetheless, i own brother bear.

since i picked brother bear, eric got to pick the other moovie... he keeps a running list on his computer of ones he wants to see and why, and is a big kevin spacey fan, so he wrote down "a time to kill" and "the negotiator" as ones to look into tonight... however, we looked for "a time to kill" under the "T"'s and neglected to find it, so negotiator was mooovie of choice... it helps to note, i don't do well with gun violence... the plot was extremely intriguing and i enjoyed it immensely for that, but every time a gun went off, i was pretty tense for the next 10 minutes or so, which meant i was pretty stressed through large parts of the movie. if you're unfamiliar with it samuel l. jackson is a chicago cop who's famous for negotiating hostage situations, however in the first 5 minutes he gets framed for his partner's murder... then he ends up taking a hostage situation and playing out the police to try to prove his innocence (kevin spacey is the new police negotiator that gets called in)... it was complex and interesting and quality,... i just have a hard time watching people's heads get blown off. (eric on the other hand commented he thinks it's a boy thing to distinguish between the guns contained in the tv and real life ones and so it doesn't bother him in the least).... either way, whatever... we both gave both movies cerca 7/10, so mooovie night was a success...

dude, 2:30 according to new daylight savings time... i hate loosing an hour... would much rather gain an hour every time and just be nocturnal every few years... wouldn't that be much better?

at any rate, time for sleep, no matter how awake or not i think i am... later dudes =P

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