Tuesday, November 09, 2004

case in point

professor during class this afternoon, waiting for someone to answer a question he had just asked
"53,000,000 people... indiana,... rotweillers... shotguns... sorry, random tangent, back to math"

prof (at end of class): "oh good! it's tuesday! now we elect someone new for president tonight!"
student: "that was last week"
prof: "oh, well maybe this is the week they start disattaching the coast states and sinking them into the ocean... watch out... we could be next"

reference previous post...

some people need to freakin GROW UP

(i'm not tired of democrats... i'm tired of people who repeatedly make comments like this whenever they get the chance in the past few weeks.... it's utterly RIDICULOUS)

the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey La-
Regarding your last couple of posts-I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. I cannot believe the complete lack of class and professionalism that not only fellow students but professors of mine have shown in the last week. If you'd been here from Weds on, you'd have thought there was a funeral going on. I have been insulted to my face by professors (who didn't know how I voted) and been labeled as the classic "close-minded, Religious-nut Republican" by liberals who I was dumb enough to consider friends. According to one of my gay friends, I used to be "one of the cool Republicans." Now if you were to look at his AIM profile, you'd think we were all haters. I wish that even if people feel that way, they'd keep their freaking politics out of the classroom! We're adults now!