Tuesday, November 09, 2004


blue pyramid has another quiz out... here's one of the results i came by more honestly (i played around with answers to see more of the results)

You're Alaska!

You're big, bulky, and extremely wild. At the same time, you're rather
cold and standoffish, even a loner of sorts. Taming you may be one of the last great
quests of the people who do manage to find you or even seek you out. So many of them
just want to plunder you for what you have of value, but there are a few, the ones
who will stick with you, that truly value your rugged remoteness. As long as no one
is spilling stuff on you, you are truly beautiful.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

but, one must pay tribute to my other two states too :-)

You're Tennessee!

A vibrantly musical individual, you probably know how to play multiple
instruments. At the heart of your love for music is the guitar, though you have a soft
spot for violins, which you refuse to call anything but fiddles. Fiddlesticks aside,
you are very thin and have excellent posture. If you ever run for elected office, you
won't even be able to get your hometown to support you. I guess that's why they call it
the blues.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

You're New Jersey!

You don't just live in the suburbs, you define the culture of all
Surburbia. You drive everywhere you go, love to eat at diners, and pretend to have a
garden. While everyone knows that your house was built on a toxic waste dump, you do
your best to hide this information and keep referring to those mythical gardens.
Driving on a road without paying for it was a revolutionary experience you once had
that you still think about all the time. You owe the Mafia so many favors that you're
thinking of renaming yourself Sicily.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

later dudes

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