Monday, November 29, 2004


my loan i've been trying for a few MONTHS to get? officially approved and just waiting on rutgers to send back a form to the TERI people... do dah do dah :-)

my experimental math homework that i've had 3 weeks to do and started on 27 hours ago? DONE, and printed out (27 pages worth... isn't that fun?... i've been good today)

now, scott's over here and promised to read TWO stories...

quote of the day that proves *someone*'s been talking to me a heck of a lot lately to come up with immediate answers this great :-P

lkp 42 42 42: which 2 books should i have him read (i own 5... i can't think this hard this late :-P)
---: DUH!
---: stack them
---: then, grab the fourth, and then after that, he can read the second.
---: *thus, 42*
---: the answer to all things.

yay :-)

story time, chat time, then bed time

night y'all

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