Tuesday, November 09, 2004

happy(?) tuesday

brother's gone.

the darn kid woke up at 6:30am, woke me up (as per my request) before he left... then remembered he forgot to take my old computer with him so made several loud tromps up and down the stairs to take that before he actually went... it was 7:30 before i was back asleep, but i'm glad he said bye... he'll be down in south carolina visiting mom's brother by the time the day is up, so good for him :-P

last night we went to get thai food (which brother had never had before), and rented "welcome to mooseport", which wasn't like best movie ever, but it was worth seeing once for a laugh.

today promises to be super-long... i'll be at the math building basically from 9:30am til 6:30pm if not longer... ai yai yai... gottta love tuesdays?

i'm making mortal enemies since pizza seminar is a class period earlier than normal this week (as per speaker's request)... doht... it's impossible to please everyone around here.

oh! and i've started registering for classes and for the first time here at RU (out of 4 semesters), i'm actually excited about ALL my classes... taking semester 2 of combo, my advisor's class, a reading class with my advisor, and a class with a new prof on combinatorial commutative algebra... should be a party.

i'm done rambling... it's not like y'all want to know all about names of math grad classes anyhow :-P

later dudes!

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