Saturday, November 13, 2004

a mooooovie-ful day

the work part of today was done with much more quickly than normal -- that much was nice... with the early pizza seminar thing, i was home over an hour and a half earlier than normal... talked online for a couple hours... watched last night's apprentice, and then it was movie marathon.

first, i had rented "bridget jones's diary" earlier in the week to watch and redecide if i liked it or not (the first time i saw it i was expecting something different and didn't think much of it... this time around i liked it much better), and leigh and ben both wanted to see it too, so it was movie party at lara's house :-)

that movie done, ben and me went to panera for dinner, to barnes and noble for cheesecake, then to see "polar express", which i was completely enchanted by -- it was a quality story :-)... after that, we immediately turned around and got tickets for the next showing of the bridget jones sequel, which i just got home from and which we both enjoyed fantastically!

anyhow, that's the scoop... waiting for a certain person to get home from work and chat with me, and then going to sleep.

happy weekend people! :-)

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