Friday, November 19, 2004


(1) i don't know if all of us AIM users get the same ads each day, but today's was a pain... you didn't even have to click it, just move your mouse over it and the stupid thing opens up an internet window... so, like i did on my last computer, i went in search of ad-remover software.

this place: works wonderfully. it gets rid of the ad at the top of your buddy list window, links to AIM games, weather bug, and other stuff that AIM automatically installs on you, and leaves you with the chat basics (although you can elect to keep the extra options if you want... you're only required to remove the ad at the top of your buddy list window... and changes the AIM logo to the ad-hacker logo (name of the program)... if i can keep doing what i want without stupid ads, i am completely happy.... if the ads are getting to you, try this.

(2) i can't believe the donald fired two people last night -- i was soooooooo jealous of their reward this week too... meeting billy joel and seeing movin out? i've done the second, and i've seen him in concert before, but that was just plain fantastic... end of commentary :-P

(3) quote of the day yesterday:
---: but ur lara
---: most of my friends know about you
---: a few wonder if i'm going to run away and marry you
---: *snickers*

(4) quote of the day in the hour i've been awake today:
well, not exactly a "quote" per se, but you know...
leigh (one of my roommates) is not a morning person... she often leaves the house really quickly without being seen by either me or colleen before she goes... i told her earlier in the week that that makes me sad... even if she's not happy about being awake, she should at least come and frown in my doorway before she leaves

guess what? today she did... although she couldn't hold a frown for too long, and when i cheered and told her good job, she burst out laughing anyhow :-P

all in a day's work :-)

class time... later dudes.

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