Monday, November 22, 2004

highs n lows

saturday: didn't feel like getting up, so when i woke up at noon, i stayed in bed til 5pm... ben came over at 3 to help me with my analysis and ended up sitting on the foot of my bed and letting me stay put but making me work anyhow. (how pathetic am i?)

after that long, he dedcided half my problem was low blood sugar and he was making me get food, so applebees it was... quote of the evening

me: i'll have a raspberry iced tea
waiter: and you sir?
ben: i was thinking about having the same
waiter: well, we *do* have more than one glass of tea back there, so really it's ok if you get one too.

after that i didn't feel much different, but ben said i was more chipper... anyhow, we went back to my house to work on more qual- analysis until about 11pm... then roommate and dave came... they had been at a wedding in harrisburg, PA of another valpo person, and drove the 3 hours more to hang out with me for a day :-)... they got in around midnight, and all was good.

sunday: contrary to false advertising by me a month ago, yesterday was pastor J's last sunday... his sermon was a tearjerker.... at communion he did the chalice on both railings so that he could give communion to everyone one last time... after church i got roommate to take my picture with him since i don't have a picture with him yet, and said goodbye... his words to me were "so, one of these days i expect to be adressing you as *doctor*... i'm expecting great things from you lara!"

this time, it's for real... he's moving to VA within the week, and although they'll be back, we're officially in vacancy pastor land for a bit...

anyhow, that was a tearjerker... then roommate, dave, and me went to my house to make lunch and for kristin to go through my photo albums and steal things for a project she's working on... that was more fun... then we got tickets for a sneak preview of "finding neverland", except after sitting in the theater for 20 minutes waiting on the film, they announced they were having trouble splicing the reels together and they'd both (a) either refund our tickets or replace them with tickets to another show.... and (b) give us an extra ticket to any show of choice in the future... the next show of polar express (i was the only one who'd seen it) was at 5:40 (it was then 4:15), so we went to copy the pictures roommate wanted...

3 strikes on that (NJ seemed to be against us yesterday)-- first walmart's photomaker machine was down... the kmart's was too... so we went to staples for color copies, and their copy center staff was incompetant... kept wandering off and just being silly and inattentive... in the time it took them to copy a dozen photos, i looked through all the christmas stationary and picked out the one to use for my christmas letter this year... and travis called and i talked to him for a good 5-10 minutes, with roommate talked to him too, *and* waited around for awhile besides *that*... blah

so, copies of pictures instead of photo maker pictures, movie delay by nearly two hours, we went back to the theater... roommate and dave both enjoyed polar express, and i enjoyed it just as much if not more the 2nd time around...

then, scott and colleen had called to say they were hungry and if they were still invited, were ready to eat with us, half an hour before the movie was out... only they were half an hour away, so once we coordinated location, we drove out to bridgewater for tgi fridays with them!...

scott and me had margaritas, and i ordered dinner too, but my stomach was upset so really i just had lots of margarita and lots of water for dinner... how brilliant is that?

scott and me got dave to "mooo" and roommate told me and scott about a dr. seuss book she thought we'd like... inspired by her description, scott said that he'd run to the barnes and noble across the parking lot and if it was there he'd get it, if not he'd return empty-handed.... well, not only did he return with that book, there was a "buy 2 , get the 3rd free sale" on dr. seuss books, so he also returned with "mr. brown can moo, can you?", and "oh say can you say?" besides the requested "i am not getting up today", and read the last one to the whole table for pre-dinner entertainment... it was pretty quality. :-)

after that, i was tired and my head hurt, so upon our return back to my place, i left kristin and dave to their packing/trip plotting fun, and took a shower to feel better... some late night tv, both me and roommate chatting more with travis, and then we all crashed.

now, i'm up, and roommate and dave left an hour ago, and i got just 3 classes and a meeting between me and thanksgiving break... woohoo


other quote since i forgot to type it in this novel

roommate: so what hebrew words do you know now?
me: mazel tov!
roommate: did someone just have a baby?
me: you did! didn't anyone tell you?
roommate: um, no

yay for friends and for funny boys who make me smile, boo for math-directed angst and headaches. the end.

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