Saturday, November 06, 2004

the update

i haven't written in a past few days -- my life has actually been somewhat eventful!

eric, jared, colleen, leigh, and i saw "miss saigon" at the local playhouse... it was a quality show... unfortuantely i forgot to record joey and apprentice (and hence missed joey getting a girlfriend and raj getting fired), but i dare say it was worth it... a quality time was had by all... and later colleen and i watched "lion king 1 1/2" until late into the night.

class, pizza seminar, then BROTHER came! we did some moving/fixing furniture, and then fuddruckers for dinner with the people and then eric's orchestra concert, which was made all the more exciting by an unexplained fire alarm during intermission which caused the whole concert hall to be evacuated for 20 minutes while things were fixed... doht! another good night.

brother and me got up early and went to NY... nothing new for me, but he'd never been there before... world trade center site, wall street, brooklyn bridge, staten island ferry (i had 2 sweatshirts on and was freezing cold!), then lunch, central park zoo, rockefeller center, times square, and homeward bound.

colleen's parents are also visiting this weekend, so we came back to group dinner party where colleen's mom had cooked us all lasagna at our house :-) it was fun

after that, ben, leigh, brother, me, and eduardo all went to see "the incredibles" which IS as completely fantastic as all the reviews say... ben's summary?
"little kid bursts into flame -- Lara then jumps sky high... NO outtakes after credits... the end... what a night"

i'll leave it at that... gotta sleep before tomorrow! :-P

night y'all

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