Sunday, May 23, 2004

do dah do dah

greetings from ohio (again!) =P

today was spiffy... lots of people and lots of fun.

last night, tammy, marcus, and i drove out on the county roads to look at the stars... i want to steal part of backroads indiana and take it back to jersey with me -- we could see sooooo many more stars than i can being between NYC and philly!

after that we watched bend it like beckham and crashed a little after 1am... not being able to sleep more than 6 hours in one shot anymore i was awake a little after 7, but waited til 8:30 to get ready... a quick breakfast and some chatting later, i was on my way 45 minutes around to the other end of indy to meet up with heather miller!

heather goes to a huge non-denominational church south of indy... i'd guess there were at least 500 people there and we were at one of just FOUR services... i liked it a lot but will also be happy to see my friends at good shepherd next week too =P

after church we had a long lunch and a really good chat... it was nice to see her for a bit even though it was a quick visit.

after paying $2.13 (choke!) for gas (the cheapest grade), and 4 hours of driving in crazy rain later, i'm at alliswan's place =)

it's still raining, so we spent the night in... dished out the couple $$ to rent "win a date with tad hamilton" and had fun laughing at the transparent characters =) it's good to be here. =)

hopefully tomorrow the weather will be nicer! tomorrow's alliswan's birthday, but if you're in ohio then shhhh, because you're not supposed to know! ;-)

later dudes! =P

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