Wednesday, May 05, 2004

top 10 -- spring 04`

i have no idea why i'm awake... especially when i've been up for like 14 hours now on just 4 hours of sleep... nonetheless, in finals/reflection/wrap-up mode.... last entry of the night, then really, i'm going to sleep =P, promise...

top 10 things i've learned this semester

(10) various mathematical facts (e.g. tensors of characters of irreducible representations, 3 points if you can correctly define every word in that phrase =P)

(9) you can absolutely love a subject, but learn absolutely nothing about it on account of a bad prof (algebra)

(8) you can work your head off, but if you started out behind, you'll most likely be behind the whole semester (taking lie groups with colleen and leigh and none of us knowing a thing about manifolds... oops!)

(7) you can know exactly what's going on, still work for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and still have nothing to show for it (graph theory homework)

(6) sometimes you just have to admit you have no idea what's going on and beg for smarter friends to spoonfeed you ideas (analysis), rephrased: grad school leaves no room for pride

(5) grades don't mean a thing -- seriously

(4) coming to terms with #5 takes a bit of work, but once you do, it makes life much simpler.

(3) when stressed, i cry easily... and mostly on account of yawning, laughing, or thinking hard... summary: i've learned i have hyper-active tear ducts, and they're a great source of entertainment, but also make people worry about me more than necessary

(2) your subconscious keeps dealing with stress and manifesting itself in weird ways long after you think you're consciously done dealing with stuff

(1) good friends are more valuable than just about anything else on the planet, and i have some most excellent ones =)

the end.

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