Monday, May 10, 2004


several points of interest =P

(1) first off, unless you're completely thick in the head, i gave the blog a new look -- i like it, and if you don't, it's not your blog, so deal... if you do like it, enjoy! =P

(2) i'm officially a first-year-of-math-grad-school survivor!!! today was rough though... i decided i like early morning finals much better than late afternoon ones... analysis was 4-7pm today and that gave me the 7 hours i was awake pre-exam to worry myself sick about a test i'm guessing i got a 25% on anyhow (it can't be good when you give up halfway through and start writing haikus in the margin about why you hate the class just to *look* busy because you have no good ideas about the problems themselves... i spent the last 20 minutes erasing my angst-filled poetry too =P)

(3) tomorrow shall be interesting... i'm not good with quick transitions and the next day and a half is definitely exactly that... i'm picking up leigh at 7:30 (AM) to drive her to newark to catch her flight home... doing laundry, etc. here, and getting ready for my trip... helping eric with some last minute errands of his own... making homemade sushi with the people... then driving eric to the airport to catch his flight home... (both eric and leigh told me they only *needed* rides to the train station, but i insisted i was willing to drive them the whole way so that i could actually talk to each of them before they leave... like i said... not good with quick transitions!) then, i gotta get myself in gear to get outta town myself... when i return, like everyone except ben will be gone for a bit... sadness.

(4) nonetheless, happy summer... road trip #1 begins in something like 36 hours =)

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