Tuesday, May 11, 2004

happy tuesday?

dude, if you think just because i'm done with classes life calms down... nope... last night i was up til 1am doing various "sorting out my life" type things... had a hard time falling asleep and was up again at 6am this morning (45 minutes before my alarm went off) so i could take leigh to the airport to catch her flight home.

i think partly when things are not following the usual schedule (e.g. two of my best friends here leaving today... the others leaving while i'm gone later in the week, me taking off tomorrow for 2 weeks and i haven't packed yet, etc.) my brain gets so excited at travel or so "oh my goodness i'm going to miss leigh/eric/scott/whoever" that it keeps going when it should be letting me sleep... oh well... tomorrow night i'll be on the road and ready to actually crash at night... i hope =P

in the meantime, it's hot outside... the drive to newark with leigh was nice... we picked up starbucks frappuccinos for the drive, sang along with the brother bear soundtrack, and the turnpike was moving along quickly... her plane takes off in like 2 minutes... meanwhile i'm doing laundry, figuring out exactly how one makes homemade sushi (for later this afternoon), should be packing, and need to take eric to run some errands in about an hour... joy oh joy. =P

in summary: no, things have not calmed down, i'm just as busy but with different things =P

oh, and here's your fun link of the day:

(i saw it in a friend's away message this morning... his name's neil... if you type it in you'll see why he didn't like the website... on the other hand, it says that my ideal job is being a "superhero", so yay for me =P ...and it says my brother (ryan)'s ideal job is a garden gnome, so that's 2 for 2, eh? =P let me know what it tells you =P)

later dudes =P

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