Thursday, May 27, 2004

dude, what a day

i've been up for over 18 hours now... i guess that's what happens when you're used to being up late but started the day off with people who are used to being awake just hours after you *usually* go to sleep!

had fun last night in pittsburgh with my aunt, uncle, and cousins... my pittsburgh cousins are 12 and 13... the 13 year old is a foster kid who's in process of being adopted; she's been with them for going on 2 years now, whereas the 12 year old is related to me by blood... the difference between the two is sooo funny... danelle (foster cousin) has had such a bizarre past before she came to live with them, and is so flirty; whereas rachel (other cousin) is so laid back, calm, straightforward, and just complete opposite of danelle! apparently one of danelle's friends at school told her she should watch the little mermaid because "the preist gets horny during the wedding"... danelle brought this up as soon as we all got home from dinner last night and it made for hilarious discussion later on while my aunt tried to figure out what to do with her... who knows

this morning they all got up around 6, so that's how long i've been running... was on the road from 9:30am til 3:30pm, and have been unpacking, doing laundry, and catching up on email since.

tomorrow will be fun -- jessica's coming up from philly so we can see "mean girls" and then do lunch... after she goes home to meet up with her dad (a tree destroyed her car in the storms last weekend, so he's bringing her her mom's car to replace the old one), i get to clean up around here before dave beagley and his friend (also a dave) get here... but that'll be late -- chicago to jersey all in one day is a looong haul!

done rambling, really.

if you're interested, photos from the trip are at ... i've gotten about halfway through my visit to roommate's place and i'll finish at some point in the next week when i'm not falling asleep at the computer =P

night y'all!

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