Friday, May 07, 2004

spring cleaning

well, the didgeridoo concert went off spectacularly... by the time i got to campus and found eric and we got to the math building it was nearly 11pm... within 5 minutes of when we started playing the didgeridoos from the ground floor level of the main 7 story staircase (the echoes/vibrations are awesome and make them really loud) i got a call on my cell from someone asking me if all the noise was me and eric or if the building was going to fall down =P shortly thereafter paul ellis and colleen appeared at the 7th floor railing laughing at us... we met them halfway up the stairs and played with the didges for a bit... there were people studying in the graduate lounge (on the 7th floor) and we tormented them for a little too... by the time we made it all the way back downstairs and played in the courtyard for a little, it was midnight.

made it hope and have been cleaning out email, and saving old ones to disk... check out this one from my 6th grade teacher:

"Lara, Summer plans sound wonderful! I envy your energy. Enjoy life while you are free and unattached. Some day you will look back and amaze yourself at your guts and worldly travels. There are a whole bunch of people who wish they had taken your opportunities before settling down with a job and family. God bless. Mrs. Winter"

i read that a couple days ago and thought it was a nice cherry message, and then i got all philosophical.
question: when i'm older, will i really be amazed at my "guts and worldly travels" or is my lifestyle just the 20-something student lifestyle that's been made possible as technology/travel options improve... i don't think of myself as gutsy, but whatever... discuss.

i have no idea why i'm up at quarter to 4am... maybe it's time for sleep... night! =P

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