Thursday, May 06, 2004

no more friends =(

dude, so i just spent another 2 hours in front of the TV watching more friends... i didn't know that the first hour was just going to be old scenes, but it was fun... the last show though, ended each plotline how i thought it should end... phoebe's stuff has been settled for awhile; but her bursting out in song periodically was fun... joey was joey; the whole birds in the foosball table issue was funny; but it was interesting that no reference was made to him moving to hollywood for the new series; instead they just talked about him staying on where he was; i totally did NOT see the twins coming for chandler and monica, so they was high drama AND a surprise... and you knew ross and rachel had to end up together; it was a little drawn out and then seemed a little too peachy, but it ended how you wanted it to end for everyone to be happy... at any rate, no new episodes, and between grandma pudwell and me, all the old ones are just about memorized =P

otherwise, my day was productive... studied algebra last night from 11pm to 2am... slept til 7am, woke up, studied some more... took the exam from 9-11... came to my place with eric and plotted with my atlas about july... went to shoprite to recycle lots of bags, went to walmart to talk about the broken part of my telescope and got things arranged so the telescope manufacturer (at walmart's prompting) will pay for the broken part to be shipped (UPS is coming by tomorrow or monday to pick it up) and fix it... then went to blockbuster... leigh, colleen, and eric all had wanted to see "master and commander" for a bit, so eric and i rented it, and we all went to leigh's to watch... later, a few more errands, and it was already 7pm... i went home for dinner and friends, eric went home to work on his number theory final... dude, i'm so skilled at wasting away time!

at any rate... here's the extra fun... eric and me are meeting up in 20 minutes to go play both our didgeridoos in the 7 story stairwell of the math building... it shall be highly entertaining. =P back later dudes =)

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