Saturday, May 08, 2004

high drama all the live long day =P

it's been a fun one to be sure.

woke up and called friends to avoid studying, played minesweeper to avoid studying, wrote emails to avoid studying... then talked to rooommate for awhile she she made me promise to study for 2 hours... so i more or less did... then got back to being trouble.

drama #1: studying this afternoon in my room (which shares a wall with the bathroom)... amanda went in the bathroom to do whatever and started screaming and cursing for a couple minutes... she quickly got ready, and left for about 15 minutes, and when she came back she asked me the following
amanda: hey, have you been in the woods lately?
me: um, no, here, and campus, and that's about it
amanda: because i found a tick in the bathroom earlier! it was sooo gross! i've been in the woods, but i did a tick check, so i don't think it was me.
ok... whatever... pretty sure of our two alibis it was not me... just had never seen someone freak out to such an extent over that before... =P

drama #2: (the only drama there was supposed to be!) eric, colleen, scott, leigh, john, and me had tickets to see the play "hms pinafore" tonight at the local playhouse... everyone but eric went out to dinner first, which was fun, and then we picked up eric and headed over to the play... it was fun... we all sat together for the first half, then eric spotted some unused seats in the next balcony down and wanted to move and everyone else felt too guilty to use seats besides the ones on their tickets, so it was just eric and me for the second half... if you've never heard of it before it's an opera satire... it's on a boat and the captain's about to have the commander of the british navy come aboard and marry his daughter, but the daughter's in love with one of the ship's crew instead... meanwhile the captain is in love with a tradeswoman who sells food to the ship, but both matches are crossing social strata so they're all screwed. when the navy commander comes aboard he brings along his 8 sisters, cousins, and aunts and there's lots of dancing jigs and corny songs... in the end it turns out the captain and the sailor that the captain's daughter loves were switched at birth so really everyone's in love with someone on their own social level and there's a double wedding and the world goes on happily ever after. in the meantime lots of laughs and jigs... it was fun to see.

drama #3: everyone else went straight home after the play except me and leigh, who both wanted some starbucks... as the whole crew of us was leaving though, a fire engine crossed in front of us... 20 minutes later when leigh and i got to the parking garage where my car was, that's where the fire engine was, and the firemen were all flooding down to the basement level of the garage... good thing my car was parked on the roof ;-)

all this is to say, for starting off slowly, it's been an eventful evening.

now, for some un-drama... or mental drama,... or something... leigh borrowed my favorite book ever (magnus by sigmund brouwer) last month, and now i'm reading hers (arrows of the queen by mercedes lackey)... i'm about a third of the way through at present... easy to read fantasy novel... it's fun.

reading myself to sleep... night y'all! =P

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